Saturday, March 1, 2014

season 5 part 2

Season 5 Part 2
Crowley becomes a big part of the series.  showing up in every season after 5.  He goes from helping the Winchesters one minute then trying to kill them the next.  Also because of Sam's size Crowley always calls him Moose.
The Trickster shows up a few more times this season.  In one episode he traps Sam and Dean in TV land, where they get stuck in different shows.

In the last episode it's the final showdown with Lucifer.  Chuck narrates the beginning of the episode in which he talks about Baby's life.  Baby is the 1967 Chevy Impala that the boys were raised in.  Towards the end of the fight Cas shows up and makes up his own curse.  The season ends with Lucifer in Sam's body and Michael in Adam's.  Sam is able to take control just long enough to jump into the Cage dragging Michael with him.

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